Ceph Designer — OSNexus
OSNEXUS QuantaStor Scale-out Solution Designer
100 000500

Server & Cluster Specification

201 All-flash meta-data pool devices are generally required for configurations using HDDs as the data device media as HDDs are too slow for filesystem meta-data storage.
204 Boost read & write performance through write-ahead-logging (WAL) and metadata offload (MDB) to SSD/NVMe media.
10010 Our general recommendation is to have a 1:1 ratio where a GB of RAM is added to the server for each TB of usable capacity. For most backup and archive configurations the required RAM requirements are lower and a reduced ratio may be used.
10010 For HDD based systems the mirrored SSD cache capacity should be between 2% and 4% of the total HDD capacity.

Storage Configuration

8010 Compression % indicates the amount of additional usable capacity is gained due to data compression. If the data is pre-compressed such as images, video or pre-encrypted files set this to 0%.
4010 Reserved free-space (backfill space) indicates the amount of space that will not be used in order to avoid performance degradation and ensure uptime in the event of a server outage.
900 Reserved drive slots indicates the percentage of drive bays per system that should remain empty for future expansion.

License Summary

Contact Information

Rack Summary

Solution Summary

Setting Value
Servers (nodes)
Data Pool Devices
Metadata Pool Devices
Write-Log/MDB Devices
Rack Space Required
Usable Capacity
Usable w/ Compression
Raw Capacity
Estimated Power Req
Estimated Power Cost/mo
Estimated HW Cost
HW Price/TB (raw)
Estimated Cluster Write Throughput*
Estimated Cluster Read Throughput*
Estimated Cluster Write IOPS
Estimated Cluster Read IOPS
Min Recommended Networking
Recommended Networking

Server Specification

Device Specification